COVID-19 vs. Tigers Escaped from the Zoo

Many countries are loosening restrictions connected with the coronavirus threat now. They let people go out to go for a walk, for work, to visit some places. Some people take a deep breath, say “at last”, and go outside with a meadow heart. The problem is: the danger is still there. And the danger is deadly.

Consider this: a group of tigers escaped from the zoo and are hiding somewhere in the city and attacking people. All people are advised to stay at home. Lenitive news in some time: al the tigers are caught, no more danger, you can go out.

Current situation is completely different. The danger has not disappeared, and those loosening measures may be a bad decision, but it was taken because the alternative is even worse due to economical reasons.

So be very careful. Don’t risk your life and lives of your close ones unless it is absolutely necessary.