Majority of European countries and, unfortunately, not only European, experience new peaks of coronavirus these weeks. People, tired of limitations, who were able to ease restrictions in summer months in comparison with spring now face the choice of how to behave: whether to follow recommendations and come back to strict restrictions or just to take it easy, to continue living more or less ordinary life and hope for the best.
For me the choice is obvious. On one scale there are health and even life, not only yours but your relatives and friends that you communicate with. On the other scale there are some restrictions you need to take. Incomparable things for me.
Consider yourself, say, in 2025. Looking back you would probably say: yes, it was a tough year. We had severe restrictions, had to behave like never before. But it was just one year and now, due to our patience and ability to sacrifice our comfort and some habits we all are safe and alive and continue to live normal life. This situation is so much better than to accurse yourself for the rest of your life for things you did not do, although you could.
Take care of yourself and your close ones and stay safe.