COVID as a Russian Roulette

I hear more and more from people these days how tired they are from wearing masks, keeping social distance and sticking to all those limitations. How they want to come back to more or less normal life. Then – whatever happens. Many behave that way and, alas, many get sick with COVID.

If it was not COVID but, say, a massive flu (which often causes complications) – no one would require limitations. But coronavirus is not flu. Too many deaths, too many severe health damages. Not only senior people suffer. The immunity after COVID lasts for not so long, and the second illness is too often more severe than the first one. The uncertainty of the long-lasting damage to health is too great.

It is similar to Russian roulette – in most cases there are no effects. But sometimes effects are fatal. Is it worth playing?

I prefer not to play it. So I am going to continue limiting my contacts, avoiding crowded places, wearing masks when I cannot keep substantial distance and holding my breath while passing people.

One more thought: the chain is not stronger than its weakest link. So, if you are living in a family, you are protected not better than the most careless of you is protected.