COVID-19: To vaccinate, or not to vaccinate, that is the question. Part 2

Last time I set some vital questions on vaccination, and I have to admit I still haven’t made my mind on vaccination, and I haven’t vaccinated myself yet. Russian part of my blog is primarily for the audience in Russia, and English part is for the international audience. The situation is different in different countries. As I see it, for many countries vaccines are in great deficit, and when one is asked to undertake vaccination because their queue has come, there is no place to ask questions whether it is Pfizer or Morerna or Oxford. You can just come in take the vaccine. If you are in doubt – stay home and let another person take it: the queue is huge. Since these vaccines are used for a number of months already, many famous and knowledgeable people took it, there are no deaths reported directly connected to vaccination and people seem not to turn into zombies in result of vaccination, and more dangerous stamms of coronovirus are spread, the choice seems obvious. Is Russia the situation is a bit different, but this is related to Russian audience, and I will try to cover it Russian part of the blog.