Top COVID-19 Maps

These days information on spreading the coronavirus is quite in demand. There are many sources, they process data using different algorithms, so results vary, but the general picture is pretty much similar. I would attract your attention to three of them:

1. Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center. Probably the most popular. Red dots on black background, very clear. For the US the information is very detailed, probably the most detailed of all sources. For several counties there is regional data, but for many countries, including the UK and France, for example, there is just one number.

2. No map, but more information in a table form, including number of serious cases, number of deaths. Regional data only for a few countries. Also, lots of commercials.

3. My favourite one. Automatically starts with information on your country. It has regional data for more countries than previous sources, and also provides related country-specific graphs, videos, etc.

Take care of yourself and your close ones and stay safe.