Galeria Uffizi through Your Computer

During these tough times we can benefit from more spare time we now have. For example, we can visit famous museums, as many of the world’s top museums open their virtual doors to all interested. Today there will be links to Florence (Firenze) based Galeria Uffizi, one of the leading collection of fine arts in the whole world.

First, you can visit The Uffizi Gallery website. It gives you a chance to visit its numerous online exhibitions that display many of the gallery’s masterpieces provided with descriptions. When you don’t have a chance to fly to Italy, why not to cozily seat at your home and explore masterpieces at you own comfortable pace? Web pages are available in English and Italian:

Then, Google Maps gives you an excellent opportunity to walk down the gallery’s endless halls and corridors as if you are inside:,11.2560799,2a,75y,281.69h,90.95t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sP5BEi0prjZnFZ6DFGM9Yaw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656