
Top COVID-19 Maps

These days information on spreading the coronavirus is quite in demand. There are many sources, they process data using different algorithms, so results vary, but the general picture is pretty much similar. I would attract your attention to three of them: 1. Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center. Probably the most popular. Red dots on

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Data Bank “Memorial”

Data bank “Memorial” provides open access to personal information of mostly Soviet and Russian people who were killed in action, died or were reported missing during World War II and in the post-war period. The site works in Russian and English. I wonder if there are similar data banks in other countries.

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International Immortal Regiment

I wrote a few days ago about the Immortal Regiment of Russia action ( There is an international version of the Immortal Regiment: The site currently has much more information about the war in Russian than in English, but still you can, for example, watch various videos, including military parades at Red Square from

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